Monday, September 22, 2008

We have power!!!

We finally, 10 days after Hurricane Ike, have power at our house. Now if I can just figure out how to get the smell like someone died in here while we were away OUT, life will be good again.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Still Evacuated

It is day 8 after Hurricane Ike and we still do not have power at our house, so we are still in a hotel in Ft. Worth. They say it should be back up by Monday (day after next) at the latest. We are so ready to go home!!!!!

The good news is that our property sustained somewhat minimal damage. We were very concerned that one of our trees would fall on our house, and that did not happen. We did lose part of our fence, but we can fix that without having to file a claim on our homeowners insurance, so we are grateful for that. The eye of the storm went directly over our house, so we are thankful we did not have much more damage than we did.

Friday, September 12, 2008


We are evacuating to Dallas this morning for Hurricane Ike. We are planning on staying there until we have power again. Please pray that is only a few days, and that we don't have any damage to our house. We have a rather small lot, but have 9 trees on it. We are on the bad side of the storm. This isn't the strongest hurricane ever, but it is really, really huge. They were predicting for it to go pretty far south of us, but the prediction crept closer and closer to us over the last couple of days, and now we are going to take a direct hit. Please keep your fingers crossed!