Here is my little ballerina. She has really come a long way since September. The ballet school she attends requires the little girls to be very uniform in the way they dress for class, and that makes them even more adorable than they already are.
Our family got hit with the stomach bug to end all stomach bugs about 36 hours ago. This was me after I finally emerged from my bedroom around 6:00 pm. Daniel somehow didn't get sick, but he was the only one. I think he was feeling a little left out, because this is how he spent most of the evening.
Abby put on a Dora "costume" (as she called it) this morning. She was so proud of herself. Isn't she adorable???? (If I say so myself......of course she looks like Mommy. LOL)
This one works differently. You copy and paste, then put "X"s next to the ones you've done. Enjoy! :)
(x) smoked a cigarette ( ) crashed a friend's car (x) stolen a car (OK, it wasn't technically stolen, but my friend and I "borrowed" her dad's super cool sports car very much without his permission. We just didn't take into account that he would hear the garage door opener. LOL) (x) been in love (x) been dumped ( ) shoplifted (x) been fired ( ) been in a fist fight ( ) snuck out of your parent's house (x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back (x) gone on a blind date (x) lied to a friend (x) skipped school ( ) been to Canada (x) been to Mexico (x) been on a plane ( ) purposely set a part of yourself on fire (What kind of question is this?!?!) (x) eaten sushi ( ) been skiing (x) met someone from the internet (x) been at a concert (x) taken pain-killers (x) love someone or miss someone right now (x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by (x) made a snow angel (x) had a tea party (x) flown a kite (x) built a sand castle (x) gone puddle jumping (x) played dress up (x) jumped into a pile of leaves (x) cheated while playing a game. (x) gone sledding (Again, not "technically", but when it would now, we would steal trays from the OBU cafeteria and slide down the steps of Raley chapel. We would also hang on to the bumper of my friend's car while he pulled us across the parking lot. Amazing I lived through all that.) (x) fallen asleep at work/school (x) been lonely (x) used a fake ID ( ) felt an earthquake (x) watched the sun set ( ) slept beneath the stars (x) been tickled (x) been robbed (x) been misunderstood ( x) petted a reindeer/goat/kangaroo (x) won a contest. (I won a pair of Jordache jeans from a clothing store in 1983. LOL) (x) run a red light/stop sign. ( ) been suspended from school (x) had braces (x) felt like an outcast/third person ( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night (x) had deja vu ( ) danced in the moonlight (x) liked the way you looked ( ) witnessed a crime (x) questioned your heart ( ) been obsessed with post-it notes ( ) squished mud through your bare feet (x) been lost (x) been on the opposite side of the country (x) swam in the ocean (x) felt like dying (x) played cops and robbers (x) cried yourself to sleep (x) recently colored with crayons ( ) paid for a meal with only coins ( ) sang karaoke (x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't (x) made prank phone calls ( ) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (x) caught a snowflake on your tongue ( ) danced in the rain (x) written a letter to Santa Claus (x) been kissed under the mistletoe ( ) watched the sun rise with someone you care about (x) blown bubbles (x) made a bonfire on the beach ( ) crashed a party (x) gone roller-skating (x) had a wish come true ( ) jumped off a bridge
Joshua saw his orthopedic surgeon today, and he was officially released of ALL restrictions!!! He can now participate in P.E. at school, play on the climbing equipment on the playground, and the doctor even said he could participate in sports! He said not to let him play tackle football, but I specifically asked about soccer and baseball, and he said either of those would be just fine. He had told me a few months ago that they may have to aspirate and fill the cyst in 2 or 3 times for it to fully take affect, but as of right now, it looks like the one time he had it done last summer is working. I was hoping for good news today, but I totally did not expect him to be released from all his restrictions. This is such a huge day for us!!!