Monday, February 5, 2007

Great Day!!!

Joshua saw his orthopedic surgeon today, and he was officially released of ALL restrictions!!! He can now participate in P.E. at school, play on the climbing equipment on the playground, and the doctor even said he could participate in sports! He said not to let him play tackle football, but I specifically asked about soccer and baseball, and he said either of those would be just fine. He had told me a few months ago that they may have to aspirate and fill the cyst in 2 or 3 times for it to fully take affect, but as of right now, it looks like the one time he had it done last summer is working. I was hoping for good news today, but I totally did not expect him to be released from all his restrictions. This is such a huge day for us!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kristy!!! That's AWESOME. That is great that Joshua can play sports. He will enjoy that. I am so glad to hear that for him. Tell Joshua that I am happy for him.


Chas said...

WOW! I didn't know this was still an issue for him. Glad you got an unexpected blessing! :)

Anonymous said...

YAY, YAY, YAY!!!!!!
This is such awesome news Kristy. He must be so excited to be able to participate in gym and play sports. I know this is such a huge relief for you and John too.
Great news!!!