Sunday, April 1, 2007

Palm Sunday

We were in Ft. Worth this weekend, and we attended our old church this morning. It was so nice to be back there. The worship leader is amazing. We miss him most of all. The pastor had us each write on a piece of paper something in our life we want to give over to God. At the end of the service, we all went forward to the front of the church (a very large church, so lots of people), placed the card in a basket, then nailed a nail into a cross that was lying on the stairs leading up to the altar. This was a very emotional thing for me......very hard to stand in a line waiting for my turn to symobolically nail Jesus to the cross, and while I was waiting, I could hear the nails from others being hammered in. I really just wanted to turn around and run out. After that, we took communion, and then the pastor took the basket out the back doors to a trash can and dumped the papers in and burned them. It was a very moving experience for me.

1 comment:

Chas said...

I got goose bumps reading about that. It sounds very powerful.